Foto main site © Lena Lapschina
"Get Fit With Dr. Lapschina"
site-specific participatory installation
von Lena Lapschina
Donnerstag, 29.September 2016, 19:00 Uhr
30.9 - 17.10. 2016 (Fr, Sa, Mo 14-18 Uhr)
Medienwerkstatt Wien, 1070 Neubaugasse 40a
"Get Fit With Dr. Lapschina" is a seven-channel participatory video installation with sound. Lena Lapschina started to develop and to film this series while staying as an AIR in California, when she was awarded the Djerassi Resident Artists Program. Meant as a comment on the zeitgeist, the videos discuss public health and literacy, gadgets and glamour. Visitors who tour the exhibition site are confronted with various freakish objects and are encouraged to carry out bizarre physical movements in synchronicity with the images on the screen.
Lena Lapschina (Austrian, born in Russia, 1965) graduated from State Stroganow University of Fine and Applied Arts in Moscow. She lives and works in Vienna and Lower Austria. She has won the Austrian State Grant for Video and Media Art in 2011. She was awarded several prestigious residencies, including the Djerassi Residence Artists Program (Woodside, California), KuS (Heerlen, Netherlands), ORTung (Strobl, Austria), and Nordens Hus (Reykjavík, Iceland).

von Lena Lapschina
Donnerstag, 29.September 2016, 19:00 Uhr
30.9 - 17.10. 2016 (Fr, Sa, Mo 14-18 Uhr)
Medienwerkstatt Wien, 1070 Neubaugasse 40a
"Get Fit With Dr. Lapschina" is a seven-channel participatory video installation with sound. Lena Lapschina started to develop and to film this series while staying as an AIR in California, when she was awarded the Djerassi Resident Artists Program. Meant as a comment on the zeitgeist, the videos discuss public health and literacy, gadgets and glamour. Visitors who tour the exhibition site are confronted with various freakish objects and are encouraged to carry out bizarre physical movements in synchronicity with the images on the screen.
Lena Lapschina (Austrian, born in Russia, 1965) graduated from State Stroganow University of Fine and Applied Arts in Moscow. She lives and works in Vienna and Lower Austria. She has won the Austrian State Grant for Video and Media Art in 2011. She was awarded several prestigious residencies, including the Djerassi Residence Artists Program (Woodside, California), KuS (Heerlen, Netherlands), ORTung (Strobl, Austria), and Nordens Hus (Reykjavík, Iceland).

© Lena Lapschina