main site und sub menue: Emperor Tomato Ketchup, © Shuji TERAYAMA 1970
Koyo Yamashita (Festivaldirektor Image Forum Tokyo) präsentiert japanischen Experimentalfilme und -videos
Dienstag 22.Jänner 2013, 19:00 / 20:30
Filmhauskino am Spittelberg, 1070, Spittelberggasse 3
Im Anschluss Publikumsgespräch mit Koyo Yamashita
Moderation: Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Special Guest: Shinichi TAMANO
Eine Veranstaltung der Medienwerkstatt Wien in Kooperation mit dem Stadtkino Wien
Programm 1 (Emperor Tomato Ketchup)
19:00 Filmhauskino Spittelberg
by Shuji TERAYAMA 1970 / 16mm / b+w / 75 min
Opressed children rise up to become “emperors” of the country. They start hunting for adults. Shuji TERAYAMA's satirical-parody feature film before his structualist approach on film.
Programm 2 (Searching for the Children of the Emperor)
20:30 Filmhauskino Spittelberg
by Saya ITO 2012/digital/color/14 min A boy is sent to a military school to be brainwashed to be a super-soldier. An absurd animation film which reflects on the pre-war totalitarian regime in Japan.
by Goichi MINE 2011/digital/color/25 min
Just after the WWII a boy dreams to be a novelist but is always denied by a stubborn and alcoholic father. The boy dreams to fly away from his family and hometown.
by Shinichi TAMANO 2001/8mm/color/18 min
A strange actionist film starring the filmmaker. He rolls down the stairs made of stone on his bare body and licks tombstones in the grave yard... but what for?
by Miki SETOGUCHI 2005/digital/color/11 min
A voodooistic self-documentary which tries to summon the dead and lost memories. It becomes a collage of comments on social pressure to women in Japanese culture and ancient myths about mothers.
Norbert Pfaffenbichler zum Programm
2012 war ich als Gastjuror zum Image Forum Festival nach Tokyo eingeladen. Im Rahmen dieses jährlich stattfindenden einwöchigen Festivals werden ausschließlich experimentelle, non-kommerzielle Filme und Videos präsentiert. Meine Jurytätigkeit bezog sich auf aktuelle japanische Produktionen. Sowohl die Quantität als auch die Qualität der dort gezeigten Arbeiten verblüffte mich nachhaltig. Trotz Simultanübersetzung erschlossen sich mir etliche der Werke nicht auf Anhieb. Erst durch nachträgliche Erläuterungen meiner JurykollegInnen konnte ich manches besser verstehen. Das unabhängige japanische Kino beruht auf einer gänzliche anderen Tradition als etwa der europäische oder der nordamerikanische Avantgardefilm. Weder die Klassiker geschweige denn die aktuellen Arbeiten des japanisches Experimentalfilms sind hierzulande bekannt. Deshalb ist es besonders erfreulich, dass es gelungen ist, einen der Kuratoren des Image Forums Tokyo, Koyo Yamashita nach Wien einzuladen, um hier zwei Programme mit historischen und zeitgenössischen Werken zu präsentieren. Nach den Screenings wird er für ein Podiumsgespräch mit Publikumsbeteiligung zur Verfügung stehen, um Fragen, welche sich mit Sicherheit auftun werden, zu beantworten. Ein derart kleines Programm kann natürlich keinen Überblick über die vielfältigen Ausformulieren dieses unabhängigen wie eigensinnigen Kinos liefern, es bietet jedoch ein intensives Blitzlicht auf eine äußerst vitale und produktive Szene, das Lust auf mehr macht. Keiner der gezeigten Filme war jemals zuvor in Österreich zu sehen. Dieses Kooperationsprojekt von Image Forum, Medienwerkstatt Wien und Stadtkino bietet dem Wiener Publikum die einmalige Gelegenheit, sich von bisher Ungesehenem und Ungehörtem überraschen, verstören und erfreuen zu lassen.
Koyo Yamashita
Image Forum established itself in the current form in February 1977. However its original activity started in 1971 under the name of "Underground Film Center" to screen and distribute experimental / independent / alternative films and videos. Image forum is a non-profit organization and receives no grants from national or local governments. The running cost is solely covered by admissions to the cinematheque programs and festival, rental fee of the collected films and video, and tuitions for the film- and video-making school. Katsue Tomiyama is the representative of Image Forum.
Image Forum Festival, since 1987. This festival tours over seven cities of Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Nagoya, Nigata and Sapporo every year around end of April to mid July. The Festival introduces innovative new works from Japan and overseas. From 2004 organizes film event, Korean Independent Cinema annually. Image Forum owns a theater with a capacity of 35 seats and produces Sunday cinematheque programs (in principle, the programs change on a weekly basis). The programs consist mainly of new works of independent film and video, both domestic and international. The works shown here vary from short/ feature-length experimental film/video, documentary film/video to animation. Image Forum has been running annual experimental film/video festival, the Image Forum runs Image Forum Institute of Moving Images and offers one-year courses and summer workshops to grow young film and video artists and also animation filmmakers. The one-year courses start in April. The faculty consists of several full-time instructors (all film/video artists and critics) and part-time instructors. Image Forum has a film and video collection of about 1,000 titles (most of the works were shown at cinematheque programs) and circulates them throughout the country to various institutes, museum and cine clubs. The collection is open to international scholars and festival directors. Many of the collected films and videos have been presented at international festivals and cinematheque programs. Image Forum founded Daguerreo Press, Inc. in 1980, a profit body for publicizing Image Forum, a monthly journal of experimental / independent / alternative visual communication media. Image Forum features reviews, essays and interviews as well as the Japanese translations of critical essays which first appear in international publications. This magazine has been discontinuing since spring, 2000. Daguerreo Press has been publishing many books on cinema and also opened an art cinema in Shibuya, Tokyo and has been introducing many new feature films from Asia. Europe and of course Japanese works. Daguerreo Press's other activities include: theatrical release of experimental and art film, home-video releases, co-productions of retrospective programs.
Born 1972 in Tokyo, Japan. Has been festival director of Image Forum Festival since 2001.Programmer of Theater Image Forum in Shibuya, Tokyo since 2005. Has been guest programmer for many film and media art festivals and film events in and out side Japan, such as: Transmediale (Berlin), Norwegian Short Film Festival (Grimstad), 25 Hrs (Barcelona), Kaohsiung Film Festival (Kaohsiung), Seoul New Media Festival Festival (Seoul) etc. Also curator for the DVD compilation of Japanese emerging independent animation artist HINKING AND DRAWING 2001). Has served as jury for many international film/art festivals.
Dienstag 22.Jänner 2013, 19:00 / 20:30
Filmhauskino am Spittelberg, 1070, Spittelberggasse 3
Im Anschluss Publikumsgespräch mit Koyo Yamashita
Moderation: Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Special Guest: Shinichi TAMANO
Eine Veranstaltung der Medienwerkstatt Wien in Kooperation mit dem Stadtkino Wien
Programm 1 (Emperor Tomato Ketchup)
19:00 Filmhauskino Spittelberg
by Shuji TERAYAMA 1970 / 16mm / b+w / 75 min
Opressed children rise up to become “emperors” of the country. They start hunting for adults. Shuji TERAYAMA's satirical-parody feature film before his structualist approach on film.
Programm 2 (Searching for the Children of the Emperor)
20:30 Filmhauskino Spittelberg
by Saya ITO 2012/digital/color/14 min A boy is sent to a military school to be brainwashed to be a super-soldier. An absurd animation film which reflects on the pre-war totalitarian regime in Japan.
by Goichi MINE 2011/digital/color/25 min
Just after the WWII a boy dreams to be a novelist but is always denied by a stubborn and alcoholic father. The boy dreams to fly away from his family and hometown.
by Shinichi TAMANO 2001/8mm/color/18 min
A strange actionist film starring the filmmaker. He rolls down the stairs made of stone on his bare body and licks tombstones in the grave yard... but what for?
by Miki SETOGUCHI 2005/digital/color/11 min
A voodooistic self-documentary which tries to summon the dead and lost memories. It becomes a collage of comments on social pressure to women in Japanese culture and ancient myths about mothers.
Norbert Pfaffenbichler zum Programm
2012 war ich als Gastjuror zum Image Forum Festival nach Tokyo eingeladen. Im Rahmen dieses jährlich stattfindenden einwöchigen Festivals werden ausschließlich experimentelle, non-kommerzielle Filme und Videos präsentiert. Meine Jurytätigkeit bezog sich auf aktuelle japanische Produktionen. Sowohl die Quantität als auch die Qualität der dort gezeigten Arbeiten verblüffte mich nachhaltig. Trotz Simultanübersetzung erschlossen sich mir etliche der Werke nicht auf Anhieb. Erst durch nachträgliche Erläuterungen meiner JurykollegInnen konnte ich manches besser verstehen. Das unabhängige japanische Kino beruht auf einer gänzliche anderen Tradition als etwa der europäische oder der nordamerikanische Avantgardefilm. Weder die Klassiker geschweige denn die aktuellen Arbeiten des japanisches Experimentalfilms sind hierzulande bekannt. Deshalb ist es besonders erfreulich, dass es gelungen ist, einen der Kuratoren des Image Forums Tokyo, Koyo Yamashita nach Wien einzuladen, um hier zwei Programme mit historischen und zeitgenössischen Werken zu präsentieren. Nach den Screenings wird er für ein Podiumsgespräch mit Publikumsbeteiligung zur Verfügung stehen, um Fragen, welche sich mit Sicherheit auftun werden, zu beantworten. Ein derart kleines Programm kann natürlich keinen Überblick über die vielfältigen Ausformulieren dieses unabhängigen wie eigensinnigen Kinos liefern, es bietet jedoch ein intensives Blitzlicht auf eine äußerst vitale und produktive Szene, das Lust auf mehr macht. Keiner der gezeigten Filme war jemals zuvor in Österreich zu sehen. Dieses Kooperationsprojekt von Image Forum, Medienwerkstatt Wien und Stadtkino bietet dem Wiener Publikum die einmalige Gelegenheit, sich von bisher Ungesehenem und Ungehörtem überraschen, verstören und erfreuen zu lassen.
Koyo Yamashita
Image Forum established itself in the current form in February 1977. However its original activity started in 1971 under the name of "Underground Film Center" to screen and distribute experimental / independent / alternative films and videos. Image forum is a non-profit organization and receives no grants from national or local governments. The running cost is solely covered by admissions to the cinematheque programs and festival, rental fee of the collected films and video, and tuitions for the film- and video-making school. Katsue Tomiyama is the representative of Image Forum.
Image Forum Festival, since 1987. This festival tours over seven cities of Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Nagoya, Nigata and Sapporo every year around end of April to mid July. The Festival introduces innovative new works from Japan and overseas. From 2004 organizes film event, Korean Independent Cinema annually. Image Forum owns a theater with a capacity of 35 seats and produces Sunday cinematheque programs (in principle, the programs change on a weekly basis). The programs consist mainly of new works of independent film and video, both domestic and international. The works shown here vary from short/ feature-length experimental film/video, documentary film/video to animation. Image Forum has been running annual experimental film/video festival, the Image Forum runs Image Forum Institute of Moving Images and offers one-year courses and summer workshops to grow young film and video artists and also animation filmmakers. The one-year courses start in April. The faculty consists of several full-time instructors (all film/video artists and critics) and part-time instructors. Image Forum has a film and video collection of about 1,000 titles (most of the works were shown at cinematheque programs) and circulates them throughout the country to various institutes, museum and cine clubs. The collection is open to international scholars and festival directors. Many of the collected films and videos have been presented at international festivals and cinematheque programs. Image Forum founded Daguerreo Press, Inc. in 1980, a profit body for publicizing Image Forum, a monthly journal of experimental / independent / alternative visual communication media. Image Forum features reviews, essays and interviews as well as the Japanese translations of critical essays which first appear in international publications. This magazine has been discontinuing since spring, 2000. Daguerreo Press has been publishing many books on cinema and also opened an art cinema in Shibuya, Tokyo and has been introducing many new feature films from Asia. Europe and of course Japanese works. Daguerreo Press's other activities include: theatrical release of experimental and art film, home-video releases, co-productions of retrospective programs.
Born 1972 in Tokyo, Japan. Has been festival director of Image Forum Festival since 2001.Programmer of Theater Image Forum in Shibuya, Tokyo since 2005. Has been guest programmer for many film and media art festivals and film events in and out side Japan, such as: Transmediale (Berlin), Norwegian Short Film Festival (Grimstad), 25 Hrs (Barcelona), Kaohsiung Film Festival (Kaohsiung), Seoul New Media Festival Festival (Seoul) etc. Also curator for the DVD compilation of Japanese emerging independent animation artist HINKING AND DRAWING 2001). Has served as jury for many international film/art festivals.